Navigate the 2024 Eclipse Season with Confidence!

Prepare to embark on a journey of insight and empowerment as we delve into the transformative energies of the Libra Lunar Eclipse & Aries Solar Eclipse.

During this immersive 60-minute session, tailored to provide you with personalized guidance, you'll gain invaluable insights into the precise impact of the Aries-Libra eclipses on your birth chart. Discover strategies to navigate the shifting tides of change with grace and poise, as we explore how these celestial phenomena are propelling you towards growth and evolution.

This masterclass isn't just about understanding the cosmic energies—it's about empowering yourself to embrace change and unlock your true potential. Gain clarity on the transformative themes unfolding in your life, and learn how to harness the power of the eclipses to align with your deepest aspirations.

This Solar Eclipse is joined by Chiron, the Wounded Healer, inviting us to understand our core wounds and transmute them into our most precious medicine. During the workshop, we'll focus on alchemizing our pain into powerful healing energy.

We will go over:

  • Important astrological dates and how to work with them

  • Do's and don'ts for eclipse season (hint: not a good time for ritual or manifestation work)

  • A prompt for personal reflection (bring your journal!)

  • Q&A time with Giorgia about this current astrological moment


Understand your personal eclipse journey

Uncover where each eclipse is positioned in your chart and gain clarity on the monumental changes and shifts awaiting you. Whether it's career advancements, relationship dynamics, or embarking on a new path, this masterclass will provide the answers you seek.

How to navigate the transits based on your natal chart

Using your personal natal chart as a guide, you will be able to pinpoint the areas where shifts and transformations are on the horizon for you. It's not just about predictions; it's about empowerment and understanding the cosmic currents that shape your 2024.





I am Giorgia Pecora, a certified psychological astroconsultant and teacher, specialized in karmic dynamics, shadow work, relationship astrology, and astro genealogy. Her astrological approach is influenced by studies in theosophy, somatic work, shamanic practices, and sexological bodywork.
Since founding my school in 2017, I has passionately shared her knowledge with over 200 students.

My teaching method is characterized as fun, dynamic, and community-oriented, creating an enriching learning experience for all. Expect lots of hand gestures in typical Italian style as well.

You will receive the 90 minute recording (it includes the Q&A) and journaling questions to work with in the next 11 months!